Tour Itinerary


Upon arrival in Thessaloníki, the second largest city in Greece and the capital of Macedonia, we will meet with our tour guide who will lead us to the motorcoach to be transferred to our hotel. We’ll check in and enjoy our dinner at hotel. (D)


Early morning we start with a scenic bus drive to Kavála (ancient Neapolis), the port city of Philippi, where Paul landed by boat and thus first brought the gospel to Europe. From here we travel inland a short distance to Philippi, named after Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great. Here, Paul established the first church in Europe. We see the river where Lydia and possibly the jailer were baptized and the ancient forum where Paul and Silas appeared before the magistrates. After a full morning visiting this beautiful biblical site, we enjoy a late lunch in the picturesque Old Town of Kavála. We return to Thessaloníki by following the Via Egnatia to Amphipolis (Acts 17:1) to view the famous Lion Monument that Paul would have seen as he traveled into this city. Dinner and overnight at hotel in Thessaloniki (B, D)


Today we’ll follow the footsteps of Paul in Thessaloníki, named after Thessalonica, the sister of Alexander the Great. The apostle spent a number of weeks here during his Second Missionary Journey, establishing a church (Acts 17:1-9) to whom he would, a short time later, write two letters (1 & 2 Thessalonians). Visit the Roman Agora (marketplace), where a mob was formed against Paul and an ensuing riot started in the city (Acts 17:5). Other impressive sights include the triumphal Arch of Galerius (AD 305-311), remnants of two beautiful Byzantine churches (Hagia Sophia and Saint Demetrius), the ancient ramparts of the city, and the White Tower—the symbol of the city. Then we depart from Thessaloniki and drive to Berea (Acts 17) to see the mosaic monument commemorating Paul's preaching. Continue to Vergína, and the magnificent presentation of the golden finds from the tomb of Phillip II—the father of Alexander the Great. After visits, we drive tour hotel in Kalambaka for dinner and overnight. (B, D)


Today we have a short drive to Meteora, to visit one of the famous "hanging monastaries". It was in the 11th century that the first hermits sought refuge in the caves of Metéora, since the solitude and spectacular vistas enhanced the mystic way of life. Eventually the hermits began to group together in monasteries whose buildings were decorated with frescoes and icons by the great artists of the day. After this fantastic experience, we will have a scenic drive to Delphi for dinner and overnight. (B,D)


We’ll visit Delphi today, the center of the ancient world. Located on the slopes of Mount Parnassos in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty, Delphi is the home of the Sanctuary of Apollo and the world-renowned “Delphic oracle.” Other impressive ruins include the Temple of Athena, an athletic stadium, a gymnasium for physical training, various stoas, and treasuries. Also visit the Delphi Museum, whose collection includes the life-size bronze Charioteer of Delphi (470 BC), one of the prizes of the transitional period of Greek art. The museum also contains an inscription concerning the governor Gallio (Acts 18:12), which plays a crucial role in establishing the chronology of Paul’s life and ministry. Drive to Athens for dinner and overnight. (B,D)


We have a full day for the magnificent sights in Athens, which Paul visited during his Second Missionary Journey (Acts 17:15-34). Before ascending the Acropolis, stop at the Agora (marketplace) of ancient Athens where the apostle dialogued with the Athenian citizens and philosophers (Acts 17:17) and also at the Areopagus (“Mars Hill”) where he addressed city leaders (Acts 17:19-33). Then we will climb the marble-capped Acropolis and visit the famous Parthenon and the Erechtheum. In the afternoon we plan to visit the New Acropolis Museum, which helpfully explains the rich history of this famous place. Dinner & overnight stay in Athens (B,D)


Our morning excursion out of Athens takes us by the Saronic Gulf to have a short stop at the famous Corinthian canal and the Doilkos. From there we drive to ancient Corinth (Acts 18:1-18). It was to this huge city that the apostle Paul came and worked. Here, we see all of the sites associated with his ministry: the Agora, the Temple of Apollo, the Roman Odeon, the Erastus Inscription, the Bema and Gallio’s Seat. The small archaeological museum here is an absolute must! Then proceed to nearby Cenchrea, one of the two harbors of ancient Corinth. Cenchrea is not only the place from which Paul sailed on more than one occasion (Acts 18:18), but it was also the home of both another early church and an influential Christian woman briefly mentioned by the apostle (Rom. 16:1). Return to Athens for dinner and overnight. (B,D)


Depart for the nearby port city of Piraeus, where we’ll begin a fantastic three-day cruise of the Greek islands and ancient Ephesus in Turkey. Our journey parallels somewhat that of Paul, who traveled across the Aegean Sea on more than one occasion between Corinth and Ephesus. Our first port of call is Mykonos, a fashionable resort that has maintained the simple yet charming life of a Cycladic Island. The whitewashed buildings and windmills of this island have enchanted visitors for decades. (B, L, D)


Arrive early in the morning at the Turkish port of Kusadasi for a short drive inland to the ancient city of Ephesus. The ancient city of Ephesus is remarkably well-preserved and includes such significant sights as the Temple of Artemis, the Library of Celsus, the two Agoras, the Odeion, the Roman baths, the Marble Road, and the Grand Theater—where a huge riot (involving some 24,000 people) against Paul took place. After visiting the Ephesus Museum, which exhibits many fabulous finds from the excavations at Ephesus and the surrounding area, we return to the ship for lunch while sailing to the island of Pátmos where John wrote the book of Revelation (Rev. 1:9) while in exile. During a guided tour, we will ascend to the island’s highest point and visit the Monastery of St. John (founded in 1088) as well as the Grotto of the Apocalypse, the cave where John is believed to have received his vision and recorded his message to the seven churches of Asia Minor. (B, L, D)


This morning we’ll arrive on the island of Crete, birthplace of the Minoan culture and ministry location of Paul’s fellow missionary, Titus. We’ll take an included shore excursion to the famous Minoan Palace of Knossos. Back on board the ship, we’ll spend the afternoon at sea as we travel to the spectacular island of Santorini. This stunningly beautiful place was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history (around 1450 BC) that created impressive black-rock cliffs on which are perched quaint white-washed homes with brilliant blue roofs. It is still a volcanic island, with the most recent explosion having taken place in 1928, and it is referred to as the “Black Pearl” because of its black, volcanic ash beaches. We’ll have the option of taking a shore excursion offered by the cruise ship or visiting Fira Town on our own. Return to the ship for dinner, after which we sail through the night back to mainland Greece. (B, L, D)


Our delightful cruise ends with an early morning arrival in Piraeus. According to the group’s departure flight time, we will either transfer you to Athens airport for your return flight or organize a half day tour in the city till your flight time. End of our services.